Moving Day for the mrbrown show (and Friends)

New office

I am surrounded by boxes of books, audio equipment, and computer bits and pieces in our new office/studio. Last night, we moved the computers and fragile stuff by hand, and today, the movers are carrying the heavy furniture and boxes for us.

Moving Night 1

Moving Night 2

The photography studio and the digital art studio we share our office with, and with whom we are moving with to the bigger premises, are all involved in the big move. Everyone is helping to carry stuff, and I am getting some help from the artists to carry the audio gear and video camera tripods to the new place.

New studio in the works

The main renovations are complete, except for the recording studio. That will take a week more.

Yes, the mrbrown show is getting a proper studio done up and we no longer need to use the store room in the old office, where we used to record with the toilet rolls and vacuum cleaner.

Here in these photos, you can see the work-in-progress. The raised floor platform is where the recording studio will be, and it will be separated from the Editing Room/Control Room part by wall that has a heavy door and double-paned glass. The raised floor is sitting on the concrete floor via wood stems sitting on 60 Durometer rubber pieces to minimise the rumble that can come from the street traffic.

Moving Night 3

We will be putting a new ceiling too, and the partitions within the studio will float, with none of it touching the concrete walls, to minimise sound transmission. The walls will have acoustic panels to give us better sound, and will be built with a few layers and sound absorbing rockwool inserted between the layers.

Zen work area

Boxes of stuff

There will be desks outside for the writing team to work from. This set-up is temporary until the desks come in. And the door to the Studio and Editing Room is behind the iMac table.

Moving Night 4

By the time we were done moving the PCs and Mac last night, it was already 1am. And we had to return this morning at 9am for the rest of The Move.

All the space hunting, planning, renovations, and moving were done while meeting our project timelines, and juggling our individual deliverables.

For me, it is the mrbrown show and other public engagements (like the recent Manila trip to see new Nokia stuff), and also ongoing work on pending new series’ (yes, got new stuff in the pipeline!).

For the artists, they have work to complete for their US clients like Marvel and DC (betcha didn’t know Singapore has a team of highly-regarded artists that illustrate, colour and conceptualise art for international comic companies, trading card companies and computer games).

But tired as we were, there was a feeling of pride and satisfaction at the new premises, and the promise of new things to come. Here’s to more fun times ahead.

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