BBC World Service interviews the mrbrown show

brown, Adri and Ruby at the BBC interview
Adri and Ruby look at the retro mixer

Our interview on the BBC World Service programme, Close Up, will be broadcast on the 17th and 24th of November 2006, both Fridays, at 9.30 GMT (I believe that is 5.30pm Singapore time). Popagandhi, Ruby and I went down to their Singapore office to chat with their London studio over an ISDN line. Man, those mixers made of wood looked so retro cool, man!

Waiting for the ISDN call from London in this recording booth in BBC Singapore

Tune in to the BBC at 88.9FM tomorrow evening, or you can listen to the 30-minute Arts and Drama show online at this BBC link between the 17th and 24th of November 2006.

Note: requires (aaarrgh) Realplayer.

Left to right: Adri and Ruby pose for the camera

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