The 501st visits the mrbrown show

Star Wars in the Office

The 501st Legion (Vader’s Fist) came visiting with their CO, Lord Vader, a few days ago. We were all minding our own business at the studio when they came to spread their, er, Christmas cheer. I suppose that’s what they call a surprise inspection. Haha!

I have to say, the Stormtroopers of this elite legion looked very festive with their mini Santa hats.

Star Wars in the Office

The 501st is the Singapore Outpost of an Imperial Costuming Organization. They are huge Star Wars fans and they take their costuming seriously, gracing many an event with their totally cool outfits. And it’s a labour of love too, because those outfits inside got no aircon one, ok?

Star Wars in the Office

The 501st Legion was originally founded in the U.S.A. to celebrate the Star Wars movies by bringing together costume enthusiasts who would contribute as a group to the local communities through charity and volunteer work.

Since its inception in November 2002, members of the Singapore 501st have made costume appearances in support of many charitable efforts — recent events include the Yellow Ribbon Project public exhibition held at Civic Plaza, SPCA’s Flag Day at Raffles Place, Salvation Army’s Christmas Kettling and a Children’s Day visit to a special school.

More information about the 501st:
Email contact: dskp1083 [at]

Star Wars in the Office

We were all thrilled to take photos with our Imperial guests (when the Empire visits, you make sure you’re in your best behaviour). Or else Lord Vader may need to teach you a lesson.

Star Wars in the Office

Some of us showed a little too much love to Lord Vader, methinks.

Star Wars in the Office

And some of us wanted to play our guitar for him.

Star Wars in the Office

Some of us showed a very geek side too.

Star Wars in the Office

They were very sporting, the 501st. Posing for our camera and all that. After all, the Empire is recruiting, so you gotta look the poster children, right?

Star Wars in the Office

After a visit to our recording studio, Lord Vader seemed pleased with the progress of our Death Star and told us to carry on the good work for the Empire.

Thanks for visiting, guys!

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