Mr Miyagi: I have a Japanese nickname but only my other half is Japanese. And no, I didnŐt teach the Karate Kid to do one leg kicking. My mother tongues were Hokkien and Hainanese till I was four, and English from then on. I can speak good English but nabeh I curse more effectively with dialect. I think Singa the Courtesy Lion should put some pants on and the merlion should be barbecued. I just moved into a rented condo. Maybe one day I can afford kids too. I drive a 2 year old car which I will own in 8 years time. Thank you Pa for the downpayment. I studied in Australia, I ate more Chinese food there than here. And when I served my country, I lost my front tooth and got charged for forgetting to take IPPT. I donŐt want to smoke but those damn yellow boxes make me light up. I used to run and go to the gym, but now, no time. I believe in not paying to watch the world cup. It should be my right. I didnŐt get to vote at the last elections but I hope I can in the next one. My parents are migrants but I was born here I am Mr Miyagi. My name is Benjamin Lee And I am a Singaporean So say we all So say we all.