Road Trip: San Diego Comic-con 2007

Our first meal in San Diego, after spending 24 hours in the air and in airports. This is Boston and Maine fish and chips at the Horton Plaza foodcourt.

We paid an average of US$8 per set, and another US$2 for a drink. This time we rememebered not to over-order, because the US portions are so big. It also helped that US$1 is now SGD1.51.

Most of us are jet-lagged and hungry. Ryan, Kai and I decided to catch Transformers in Digital at the Horton’s United Artists cinema, at 7.45pm. It cost us USD10 a ticket, and I fell asleep when there was too much talking, due to the jet lag. But I totally caught all the action. Great stuff.

Big thanks to sponsor Nokia, for the N95 and E90 that Ryan and I are now using to document our road trip. Watch for more updates in the days to come.

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